Kids Playroom Designs & Ideas

Where interior design is concerned, it is an unfortunate fact that children respond positively to bright and primary colors whereas; adults have a preference for a more sophisticated palette. Playrooms have, in the past, been associated with garishness and mess but a commitment to clever storage and a carefully chosen theme can turn a playroom into a realm of fantasy for children and a magical family escape for adults.

Comfortable and colorful kids playroom with unique handmade accessories

A playroom allows imaginations to run wild, and we don’t just mean the children’s. For adults, there are no design boundaries when it comes to decorating this youthful space. In these examples from the AD archives, cupcake chairs, a biomorphic ceiling light, and a pint-size teepee are commonplace. Whether play is intended for to the entire home or just a corner of a kid’s bedroom, what’s clear is that the furnishings and accessories should exude fun. Thankfully, cheerful colors, kicky geometric patterns, and unexpected furniture forms are pleasing to people of all ages.

Comfortable and colorful kids playroom with unique handmade accessories

Prepare your kids happy with a comfortable area for children in the nursery! Colorful colors and unique handmade accessories will beautify the room itself. You just need creativity and imagination!

Comfortable and colorful kids playroom with unique handmade accessories

If these bold beginnings are not appealing, don’t despair- as children grow, so too do their tastes, giving the consummate interior designer (or parent) an opportunity to experiment.